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Tour 08 : Erta Ale Volcano in the Afar Depression

Duration: 7 days

Day 1: Arrival in Addis and city tour of Addis. Overnight stay at Ghion hotel in Addis.

Day 2: Morning flight to Mekele and commence driving to north east, down to Hamedela. Overnight stay, camping.

Day 3: Excursion to Dallol Depression. Overnight stay at the same base camp.

Day 4: Leave Hamedela early in the morning for Kureswad. Early afternoon drive to base camp, Dodom, which is near Erta-Ale. The same day early in the evening trek to Erta-Ale volcano.

Day 5: Return to the base camp from Erta-ale and drive to Hamedela. Overnight stay in Hamedela, camping.

Day 6: Drive back to Mekele. Overnight stay at Axum hotel in Mekele.

Day 7: Fly back to Addis.  Overnight stay at a hotel in Addis.

N.B. On request this tour can be extended to Rock churches of Tigray.

N.B. 2. All the hotels mentioned in the itinerary are subject to change depending on rooms availability and requests of clients.

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